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It is free and very easy to sign up. Viglink - How It Works $$ Maker.

If You have been trying to monetize your traffic online and have tried out around  different ways to do this and your results have been so-so and have done alright with them. Wait till you sign up with Viglink. If you tend to do a lot of online monitization I thought you'd all should hear about VIGLINK..... what they are and what they do.
Viglink is a monetization tool that allows you to embed links in your website.
 It has a smart link feature that can evaluate the content around the link and create an appropriate link for that content.
 One of the unique features that Viglink provides for their affiliates is the ability to create links to over 30,000 retailers that can be embedded within or linked from a website. 
When someone visits your site, clicks on the link and buys something, you earn a commission. It is free and very easy to sign up.
Viglink - How It Works
Viglink has three different facets to its service. 
The first one is VigLink Convert, which can convert your existing links into links that earn revenue. Clicks that turn into purchases from anyone in our ever-expanding universe of over 30,000 retailers, turn into commissions for you. That means that you can monetize your links and choose from a wide variety of products. This makes it easier to serve your niche.
The second is Viglink Insert, which can  double your VigLink earnings $$. VIGLINK state-of-the-art technology automatically links merchants, brands, and products to the most relevant and valuable destination.  VIGLINK smart technology has taken a lot of the guesswork out of choosing which links to promote. 
Unlike other affiliate programs where you must take hours to choose the right products and services and hope they convert into sales, Viglink Insert is unique in that it does this tedious task for you.
Finally, there is Viglink Anywhere. This feature links your post to Twitter, Facebook or even emails can take the earning power of VigLink along for the ride. Just build the URL with VigLink, shorten if you like, and share anywhere. Get paid when clicks turn into purchases. Social media experts know that when a product is shared in a way that looks like recommendation more than a plug, it is more likely to be shared and re-shared. The viral nature of social media can help a person make more sales from their affiliate link.
Account and Back Office
Once you sign up, you can drop code into your website or install plugins, depending on which platform you use. The following platforms are used:
  • Blogger
  • phpBB
  • Typepad
  • vBulletin
  • Wordpress
Dashboard and Earnings
The dashboard is simple, no-nonsense display of the number that matter: clicks and revenue. There is a neat and tidy calendar that shows the current month. Located above the calendar are the income stats, broken down into a very clean and easy-to-read interface. Additionally, weekly stats are tallied at the end of each week and displayed on the right side of the calendar. Clicks and earnings are both displayed globally in the dashboard.
Viglink has an extensive network of retailers with which to earn commissions. Webmasters, bloggers and social media gurus can earn extra revenue inserting links into their existing content. A clean dashboard makes it easy to assess earnings at a glance. Viglink is not for everyone, but it can make the right people a great income or side income.

  To Sign Up Or further information - CLICK HERE.

HEY!!! Working at Home could be sooo much Fun!!! LoL
 Good Luck From Luna

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