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Receive an Gift Card in exchange for over a million eligible items.

What is the Amazon Trade-In Program?

The Amazon Trade-In Program allows customers to receive an Gift Card in exchange for over a million eligible items including Electronics, DVDs, CDs, Video Games, and Books. The process is easy and convenient with free shipping, an immediate offer, and no required registration or listing. 

 How long will it take to receive payment once I trade in my item?

Depending on your location, Trade-in submissions may take up to 10 business days to arrive before your submission is processed. The packages you sent can be tracked anytime in Your Trade-in Account.

Once your item is received and verified, you'll receive an e-mail notification within 2 business days informing you whether your items were accepted or rejected. You can find the status of your trade-in anytime in Your Trade-in Account. Once your trade-in has been paid, you'll see the amount when viewing your gift card balance.

Are there any shipping or other fees?

After submitting a trade-in, you can print a pre-paid UPS shipping label for sending in all your items, so shipping is completely free. There are no other fees. If a trade-in item is not accepted and is returned to you, there is no cost for return shipping either.

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